Work With Me
1:1 Coaching
I work with individual clients who want to create, or navigate, change so that they and their businesses can thrive. My coaching style is developmental and collaborative. I support you in identifying, strategising for and achieving your goals. I help you to explore the full range of possibilities and opportunities available to you, as you develop your self concept and business 'true north' and use them to create tangible results that optimise your overall outcomes and performance. This work is often exciting and inspiring. Sometimes it’s challenging – my job as your coach is not to keep you in your comfort zone! But it is to walk shoulder to shoulder with you, in partnership, as you develop the clarity and strategy you need for the life and business you desire.
I am 100% committed to you, and your investment to optimise you and what you do. My coaching process gives you simple, yet highly effective, self-management and decision-making tools. In our 1:1 sessions we dive deep to hone these skills of self-mastery, particularly in the areas that make them most effective for you.
The outcome for you is that you are clear on exactly what you want and what your business needs. You have clean thinking, decisions made and your strategy for moving forward. Your strengthened mindset and ability to self-manage for optimal results mean that you have everything you need to stay on track and continue to thrive, even when curve balls or obstacles come up along the way.
Next Chapter Mastermind
Next Chapter Mastermind is for women entrepreneurs who are ready for a new class of female leadership.
Whether you have recently started a business, are re-launching an existing enterprise, or are ready to build on a business idea, Next Chapter Mastermind is designed to empower you and your business to thrive - on your terms.
I've been there multiple times: mostly doing well (sometimes not) but knowing I could do more or better. I had a successful job as a stockbroker - where I felt imposter syndrome almost daily! I left that career to start a family because I couldn't see how to stay and do both. I made the shift to entrepreneurship when people started to ask if they could pay me to do what I thought was 'just a hobby' I loved. While I'd watched and supported from the outside during my time in financial markets, I was still naïve about what it took personally to start, build and run a business. But I've done it three times over for myself now: setting the goal and figuring out how to be CEO of my business, my family and my life. And I've coached dozens of founders and leaders to do the same as my scope and expertise have grown.
In my 1:1 coaching practice, I work with founders and senior leaders in a range of industries including private equity, financial markets, luxury lifestyle and mental health. Self-management, strategic decision-making and performance optimisation are my expertise. I want female entrepreneurs with younger and smaller businesses to have access to this knowledge too.
This is why I created Next Chapter Mastermind: to bring capable, ambitious women together to learn from and support each other as you master the art of taking hte right decisions for you and your business and seeing them through - even when the going gets tough.
I created Next Chapter Mastermind to be an example of what is possible: a new class of female leadership, whree you can grow yourself and achieve tangible commercial results at the same time... where you can be an example of female entrepreneurship authentically and, most of all, happily!
So, I have distilled my 25 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience and coaching expertise into The CEO Model for you, The True North Model for your business, Decision Making Frameworks, Evaluation and Optimisation Processes - and so much more! - to shoe you exactly how to do that.
I give all this to you in Next Chapter Mastermind. It is the resource you need to build your next entrepreneurial chapter, knowing that you are in control, your direction is clear, and you have your own back, whatever happens. For 6 months you have my coaching and the support of a curated, powerful peer group, week in and week out, so that you can make your Next Chapter your best yet.